Investing in Extraordinary Companies Transforming the Food Value Chain

We help visionary founders tackle Food Security and Climate Change.

The global landscape is at a crossroads…

We are faced with a profound global challenge: how to continue to feed a growing population and still operate within the means of our planet’s resources.

The climate crisis is intensifying, disrupting traditional agricultural practices, and threatening our ability to maintain consistent and adequate food production.

Our food system contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions, escalating the effects of climate change.

This double-edged sword of rising food demand and dwindling, climate-affected resources underline the urgent need for transformative solutions.

AgriFoodTech: a powerful solution

Through our AgriFoodTech Fund, we support extraordinary startups that transform scientific and technological breakthroughs into truly impactful solutions.

These technological advancements present a tremendous opportunity to respond to ourfood system challenges, optimizing & democratizing our food supply whilst minimizing or even eradicating environmental impact.

Therefore, profoundly improving the overall efficiency across our entire  food system, from farm to fork.

Learn more about our Fund of Funds

We invest in exceptional fund managers with an extensive track-record of excellence.

Industries we invest in

We invest in exceptional European and Israeli founders innovating within AgriTech and FoodTech. Together,we're paving the way for a resilient, sustainable, nourishing, and pleasurable food future for all.


Seeding the Future: We actively invest in startups committed to modernizing agriculture through advanced technologies. Together, we're optimizing farming practices, increasing yields, and ensuring global food security.


Feeding the World: We support startups that creatively apply technology to revolutionize food production, processing, and distribution. We're propelling the sector forward to a future of healthier, more sustainable food.

Circularity in Food Systems

Closing the Loop: We back companies promoting circularity in food systems, driving a shift from linear 'take-make-waste' models to sustainable, regenerative, and resource efficient practices. Our investments help turn waste into resources, fostering an endurable and resilient food future.


Would You Like To Learn More?


At which stages do you invest in AgriFood?

We make our initial investments in late seed and Series A rounds. Come see us, we would like to meet you early. We specialize in helping you scale when your resources are most expensive (equity-wise) and in positioning you strongly for the next round. We do expect you to have strong market validation.


What is your size range?

Our initial investment ranges from $750k-$2M depending on the round and opportunity.


What is it like to work with Cardumen Capital?

Our portfolio companies are best positioned to answer this question, so feel free to reach out to our incredible disruptors! We are active investors. We leverage years of investment experience and very extensive networks worldwide to support you. You will get the attention of the General Partners and our value creation team (Scale Platform). Our Scale Platform is a team of professionals, systems and processes aimed at supporting you in the initial stages. The General Partner’s personalities are different, but we share a common culture. We are straight talkers. We will support you when you are down and ensure you don’t lose perspective when things are going well. We ourselves are entrepreneurs, we founded Cardumen Capital and can empathize with you. We know how hard it is to fundraise and build a company. We will do our best not to waste your time and get back to you promptly. If we pass, we will provide as much feedback as we can. Reach out or check out our Scale Platform page if you would like to find out more.


Does Cardumen mean anything?

Yes, Cardumen is a word in Spanish. It means a school of fish of different species, but similar sizes, that unite to protect themselves from predators and move faster. This represents well Cardumen Capital’s stakeholders, our team, our investors and portfolio companies. All different but united for a common cause.


Who are your investors?

We have a diverse set of investors, geographically spread across Europe, Latin America and Asia. The majority of our shareholders are institutional investors and corporations in the energy, infrastructure, banking, logistics and insurance sectors. The rest of the capital comes from family offices and high net worth individuals that include former CEOs who bring additional value in terms of industry expertise, connections and advice.


Do you focus on specific sectors within AgriFoodTech?

We are a generalist investor across the entire Food Value Chain. We invest in anything from farm (biostimulants, precision agriculture, ...) to fork (alternative proteins, novel ingredients).


Do you participate in follow-on rounds?

Yes. We are quick to double down but only follow-on if the entrepreneurs are hitting their milestones. A follow-on round is not guaranteed. We will be very transparent; and you will know at each point in time where we stand in the process.


Do you also invest in European AgriFoodTech companies?

Absolutely, we invest in European and Israeli entrepreneurs.